IBM Xseries 366服务器开机进不去系统了

作者:云修网 时间:2024-07-12 21:03:43

服务器型号:IBM Xseries 366

开机提示Waiting for Controller to Start....Controller not startedController #8:IBM ServeRAID 8i at PcI Bus :81, Dev :82, Func :88Waiting for Controller to Start....Fatal Error:Controller Kernel PANIC ?!Unknown firmware error.Error code:A3

<< Press any key to continue...》Controller not startedIBM ServeRAID Configuration Utility will be invoked after initialization.Waiting for Controller to Start....Error:Controller Kernel Stopped Running

这种 情况一般是阵列卡坏了,及时更换就可以了

版权属于: 云修网
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