vmware esxi6.5安装提示错误failed

作者:云修网 时间:2024-08-11 14:52:17

服务器型号:dell R540

This program has encountered an error:

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Error(see logfor moreinfo):Input/output error duringpartedUtil failed with message: b'Error :read on /dev/disks/naa.62cea7f0b479e4002e4b5fd91ba0e750\nError: Theprinary GPT table states that the backup GPT is located beyond theend of disk, This may happen if the disk has shrunk or partit ionis corrupted, Fix,by uriting backup table at the end? Thislast usable sector appropriatelyas per the newtablewill also fix thereduced size.diskPath(/dev/disks/naa.62cea7f0b479e4002e4b5fd91ba0e750) diskSize(2341994496)AlternateLBA(4683988991)LastUsableLBAspace to(4683988958)nWarning:The available/dev/disks/naa.62cea7f0b479e4002e4b5fd91ba0e750 appears to haveshrunk, This may happen if the disk size has reduced. The space hasYou can fix the PT to correctbeen reducedby(2341994496 blocks).the available space or cont inue with the current settings ? Thiswill also move the backup table at the end if it is not at the endalready. diskSize(2341994496)AlternateLBA(4683988991)LastUsableLBA(4683988958)NewLastUsableLBA(2341994462)\nError:Can't have a partition outside the disk!\nUnable to read part it ion/vnfs/devices/disks/naa.62cea7f0b479e4002e4b5fd91ba0e750\n\n".


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